The Buteyko international Team

Buteyko Clinic international formed a nonprofit group called Buteyko Practitioners International (BPI) for individuals who had completed practitioner/educator training in the Buteyko Breathing Method with us.

Members of BPI include, among others: medical doctors, physiotherapists, dentists, orthodontists, respiratory therapists, physical therapists, psychotherapists, nurses, myofunctional therapists,  psychologists, speech and language pathologists, teachers and university faculty members.

Some of our Members

Ciaran McKeown BA, MA Counselling and Psychotherapy, FBPI
Patrick McKeown BA, MA, Dip BM
(Prof KP Buteyko), FBPI
Dr. Tony O’Connor BSc (Hons), BDS, NUI, FBPI
Dr. Beatriz Casillas DDS, MS, FBPI
Dr. Allison Adams DDS, FBPI
Dr. James Bronson DDS, FBPI
Aleksandra Sable, Respiratory Specialist RCP, RRT, PSGT, BCP, FBPI
Dr. William Hang DDS, MSD, FBPI

More about the team can be found here on our parent site:

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